New Website!

This site is kinda bare atm

I don’t have lots of content to fill it with yet so I’ll just give a basic rundown of who I am and what I do and stuff.

My name given to me by my parents through no fault of my own is:

Christopher Montgomery Day

I was born in the 1980’s which we all know was the sexiest decade. It was frankly egregiously sexy which is why no one had sex in the 90’s. It would be another 2 decades before Justin Timberlake would bring sexy back. And god bless him. He is a national treasure.

When I was a teenager I recieved validation through my music and never grew out of it. Music isn’t my career. I’m farrr tooo hipster for that! hehe… My day job is software engineer and before you ask sorry but no I can’t help you with your thing. <3

If you’re reading this than you are probably aware that I was in a band called Loxodon and before that The Tom Toms. Front-man in the former. Guitarist in the later. However my main contribution to both groups really was songwriting. It’s been a life long hobby and I’m not quiting any time soon. Also I need a playground for doing nerdy coding stuff.

Follow this Blog if you wanna see what I’m up to lately I’ll be keeping this website updated regularly.

baby mo day: